
  • The exam will take place on Tuesday June 25th from 11:00 - 13:00. The exam is on location in Remindo. The exam makes up 60% of your grade, the remainder is determined by your grade for homeworks (20%) and group assignment (20%).

  • The exam will test your understanding and comprehension of data analysis theory, methods, and data analysis skills. Note that during the exam you will not need to produce R code yourself, but your comprehension of R code (e.g., annotating code) is part of the exam.

  • Exam material are the required readings, lecture slides and materials discussed during labs. As a guideline to which part of the readings we find most important, you can look at the topics discussed during the lectures and labs. Material related to “Interactive data visualization” is not part of the exam.

  • Questions will be a combination of case studies, multiple choice questions, fill in a blank questions and a (limited amount of) open questions.

  • A week before the exam, we will provide you with some example exam questions such that you can get a taste of what the exam will be like. This is not a practice exam, as it will be much shorter than the actual exam and will not cover all topics of the exam.

  • Grades will be communicated on Tuesday July 2nd, and the retake will take place on Tuesday July 9th from 11.00 - 13.00. Note that general rules of the faculty of social and behavioral sciences for being allowed a resit hold for the UU wide minor students, and rules of the Utrecht University School of Economics for being allowed a resit hold for the Economics students.