Week 3 Model accuracy and fit

Week 3: Model accuracy and model fit

This week we will introduce some key concepts in applied data analysis such the trade-off between model accuracy and interpretability, the bias-variance trade-off, model fit and (cross) validation.

Visit this app to explore some of those concepts https://javier.science/panel_bias_variance/

Lab Preparation

There will be no guided lab due to Ascension day (Hemelvaart). However, we do provide a lab to be made at home and handed in to earn a pass point towards Individual Assignment. Within this lab, you will learn how to plot a linear regression with confidence and prediction intervals, and various tools to assess model fit: calculating the MSE, making train-test splits, and writing a function for cross validation.

The answers to this lab will also be shortly discussed during next lab. If you have any problems making the lab, please contact your lab teacher via email.