Packages used:
Code for UI.R
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
# Application title
titlePanel("Statistics in the Sky with Diamonds"),
# Description
p("A Shiny application, predicting the Carat of different Cuts of Diamonds, by their Price."),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
sliderInput("priceInput", "Price", 0, 20000, c(100, 10000)),
sliderInput("caratInput", "Carat", 0, 5, c(0, 5), step = 0.1),
checkboxGroupInput("cutInput", "Diamond Cut",
choices = c("Fair", "Good", "Very Good", "Premium", "Ideal"),
selected = c("Fair", "Good", "Very Good", "Premium", "Ideal")),
selectInput("colInput", "Colour Choice",
choices = c("Pastel1", "Paired", "Spectral", "RdBu", "PuOr"),
selected = "Spectral"),
checkboxInput("regInput", "Linear regression", value = FALSE, width = NULL),
checkboxInput("sqInput", "Square regression", value = FALSE, width = NULL),
checkboxInput("cubInput", "Cubic regression", value = FALSE, width = NULL)
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
# Sub-Heading
h4("Graphical Output"),
# Main Graphical Output
# Sub-Heading
h4("Statistical Analysis"),
# Statistical Analysis Outcome
# Text Commentary
Code for Server.R
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Plotting Example
output$diaPlot <- renderPlot({
filtered <-
diamonds %>%
filter(price >= input$priceInput[1],
price <= input$priceInput[2],
carat >= input$caratInput[1],
carat <= input$caratInput[2],
cut == input$cutInput
model.lin <- lm(carat ~ price, data = filtered)
model.sq <- lm(carat ~ price + I(price^2), data = filtered)
model.cub <- lm(carat ~ price + I(price^2) + I(price^3), data = filtered)
x_pred <- seq(min(filtered$price), max(filtered$price), length.out = 500)
y_pred.lin <- predict(model.lin, newdata = tibble(price = x_pred))
y_pred.sq <- predict(model.sq, newdata = tibble(price = x_pred))
y_pred.cub <- predict(model.cub, newdata = tibble(price = x_pred))
ggplot(data = filtered,
mapping = aes(x = price, y = carat, colour = cut)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(data = tibble(price = x_pred, carat = y_pred.lin), size = input$regInput, col = "blue") +
geom_line(data = tibble(price = x_pred, carat = y_pred.sq), size = input$sqInput, col = "red") +
geom_line(data = tibble(price = x_pred, carat = y_pred.cub), size = input$cubInput, col = "green") +
scale_color_brewer(palette = input$colInput) +
# Model Table output
output$modelres <- renderTable({
filtered <-
diamonds %>%
filter(price >= input$priceInput[1],
price <= input$priceInput[2],
carat >= input$caratInput[1],
carat <= input$caratInput[2],
cut == input$cutInput
model.lin <- lm(carat ~ price, data = filtered)
model.sq <- lm(carat ~ price + I(price^2), data = filtered)
model.cub <- lm(carat ~ price + I(price^2) + I(price^3), data = filtered)
model.lin.sum <- summary(model.lin)
model.sq.sum <- summary(model.sq)
model.cub.sum <- summary(model.cub)
tablemodelres <- matrix(c("Linear regression", "Square regression", "Cubic regression",
round(model.lin.sum$r.squared, 3), round(model.sq.sum$r.squared, 3),
round(model.cub.sum$r.squared, 3), round(model.lin.sum$adj.r.squared, 3),
round(model.sq.sum$adj.r.squared, 3), round(model.cub.sum$adj.r.squared, 3),
model.lin.sum$df[2], model.sq.sum$df[2], model.cub.sum$df[2]), ncol = 4)
colnames(tablemodelres) <- c(" ", "R-squared", "Adj R-squared", "df")
# Model Statistical Output (Text)
output$statout <- renderText({
filtered <-
diamonds %>%
filter(price >= input$priceInput[1],
price <= input$priceInput[2],
carat >= input$caratInput[1],
carat <= input$caratInput[2],
cut == input$cutInput
model.lin <- lm(carat ~ price, data = filtered)
model.sq <- lm(carat ~ price + I(price^2), data = filtered)
model.cub <- lm(carat ~ price + I(price^2) + I(price^3), data = filtered)
model.lin.sum <- summary(model.lin)
model.sq.sum <- summary(model.sq)
model.cub.sum <- summary(model.cub)
model.lin.sum[["name"]] <- "Linear regression"
model.sq.sum[["name"]] <- "Square regression"
model.cub.sum[["name"]] <- "Cubic regression"
# Best fitting model, with R-squared
if((model.lin.sum$adj.r.squared > model.sq.sum$adj.r.squared) & (model.lin.sum$adj.r.squared > model.cub.sum$adj.r.squared)){
model.text.out <- model.lin.sum
} else if((model.sq.sum$adj.r.squared > model.lin.sum$adj.r.squared) & (model.sq.sum$adj.r.squared > model.cub.sum$adj.r.squared)){
model.text.out <- model.sq.sum
} else if ((model.cub.sum$adj.r.squared > model.lin.sum$adj.r.squared ) & (model.cub.sum$adj.r.squared > model.sq.sum$adj.r.squared)){
model.text.out <- model.cub.sum
paste0("The regression analysis which most accounts for the relationship is: ", model.text.out$name, ". ",
"With an Adjusted R-squared of: ", round(model.text.out$adj.r.squared, 3), ", F(",
model.text.out$fstatistic[2], ", ", model.text.out$fstatistic[3], ") = ", round(model.text.out$fstatistic[1],3), ".")