
Assignment and Grading

The final grade is computed as follows

Graded part Weight Deadline / date
Formative (non-graded) Part 1 Group Assignment: This is an optional assignment. You can hand in Part 1 of Group Assignment to receive feedback. When handing in a serious attempt, you will earn 0.5 bonus points towards your Full Group Assignment - May 27th (23:59pm)
Group (full) Assignment: Analyzing and Interactive Data Visualization using Data Science Methods R 20 % June 10th (23:59pm)
Homework Assignment/Participation grade: composite of pass/fail grades for the homework / at home lab of week 3 (9 weeks = 9 points max + 1 point from one optional question (week 2) = 10 points max) 20 % 2 hours before start of each lab
Digital Exam: Understanding and Comprehension of Data Analysis Methods, theory and data analysis skills 60 % June 25th 11:00 - 13:00