
The following required books will be used during the course. For all books, a free (open source) online version is available.

Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR)

The first book we are using in this course is Introduction to Statistical Learning, abbreviated as ISLR. The link will direct you to the website of the book, where a pdf of the (first edition of the) book is available online for free and can be downloaded. Under ‘resources’, you can also find a link to a free online course on the book which includes a very nice series of (short) lectures!

Data Visualization - A practical Introduction (DatVis)

The second book we are using in this course is Data Visualization - A practical introduction by Kieran Healy, which we will abbreviate as DatVis. The link will direct you to a preprint version of the book which is available online for free. We will start with chapter 1, learning all about the basic principles of data visualization and perception.

Mastering Shiny

In week 6, we will explore making interactive visualizations uisng R shiny apps. For this, we will use the book Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham.

Text Mining with R - A Tidy Approach

In week 8, we will have a look at some basic text mining, for which we will use the book Text Mining with R by Julia Silge and David Robinson. Nice to know: this entire book and its website were made using R Markdown! We will do text mining in week 8, and cover chapter 1 to 3.

Network Science

For the lecture on network science in week 9, we will use the following material:

Optional Literature

R for data science: import, tidy, transform, visualize, and model data

Another useful resource for this course is the book R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund, or R4DS. Again, this entire book and its website were made using R Markdown! Hadley Wickham and R4DS use a specific dialect of R, a set of packages called the tidyverse. Because these packages are very useful and great for data science, we will be using the tidyverse throughout this course.

Practical Data Science with R

For more guidence on using R, we recommend the book Practical Data Science with R by N. Zumel, J. Mount and J. Porzak (2014). Manning Publications. No online version is available for this book.