Course Schedule

Dates and Times

Week Tuesday . Thursday
Week 1 23 April Lecture 1* 25 April lab 1
Week 2 30 April Lecture 2 2 May lab 2
Week 3 7 May Lecture 3 9 May lab 3 no lab class (Ascension Day)
Week 4 14 May Lecture 4 16 May lab 4
Week 5 21 May Lecture 5 23 May lab 5
27 May, 23:59pm Group Assignment (Part 1)
Week 6 28 May Lecture 6 30 May lab 6
Week 7 4 June Lecture 7 6 June lab 7
10 June, 23:59pm Group Assignment (Full)
Week 8 11 June Lecture 8*(ONLINE) 13 June lab 8
Week 9 18 June Lecture 9* 20 June lab 9
Week 10 25 June 11:00 - 13:00 EXAM
  • NOTE that lectures 1, 8, 9 are scheduled from 11:00 - 12:45
  • The rest of the lectures are from 09:00 - 10:45

Topic overview

Week Topic Required Reading
Week 1 Introduction to the course The Syllabus; ISL Chapter 1 & 2.1
Week 2 Visualizing data - exploratory data analysis DATVIS Chapter 1, 4 & 5 (section 5.3 & 5.4)
Week 3 Model accuracy and model fit ISL Chapter 2.2 & 5.1
Week 4 Linear regression for data science ISL Chapter 3.1-3.4, 6.1-6.2
Week 5 Classification ISL Chapter 4
Week 6 Visualizing data - interactive data visualization Mastering Shiny Chapter 2 - 5
Week 7 Tree based methods ISL Chapter 8
Week 8 Text mining TMwR Chapters 1, 2 & 3
Week 9 Network science A First Course in Network Science Chapter 0 & Network Science Subchapters 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8, 9.1 and 9.2 & Centrality measures
Week 10 Exam week!